Sunday, February 1, 2009

Facebook Trial 1 (FB -5 : PE 4)

Day 1 is basically over. So, how does it rate?

General observations (non-scoring):
- Setup of my account was painless. That's good.
- My goals were simple and Facebook is overkill.

Today made me realize I already need another option for scoring. So, I'm adding in negative points.

-I only wanted to be in constant contact with a handful of people. They include the small group I mentioned and a few others. In total, I only really wanted to be in constant contact with about 15 people. When FB went through my gmail email addresses and popped up about 100, I was rather annoyed. Seriously, if I emailed a person one time a year ago as a reference or a job application, I DON'T WANT THEM FRIENDED! My goal here is different than most people on FB. (FB -1)

-I see it has a handy little invite dealie.  Looks interesting enough to add a point without even really playing with it.  Gmail doesn't have that type of feature that I know of. (FB +1)

-Easy to create an email to a list in an email client.  Quick, easy communication with those I wish AND ONLY THOSE I WISH.  (PE +1)

-I had, in only 24 hours, I had 62 emails about people confirming, adding or requesting my being their friend on Facebook.  Thank goodness for filters in Gmail. (FB -2  I'll probably add a point back if I can customize these notifications.)

-To drive the point home, the setup for FB was simple, but should have offered me advanced options such as selecting what I want on my wall. I don't care that Jimmy commented on Deborah's picture! I'll be digging in my settings to see what I can get rid of, but a few simple check boxes would have been great.  (FB -2 if I can easily customize this, I'll probably give a point back.)

-Gmail has FAR less annoying ads.  FB is terrible for this. (PE +1)

-Sure, FB has chat built-in. Nice.  Gmail does too.  It's a wash.  It's just one more chat.

-I found the email tool in FB.  Not too difficult, but another click to get to where I can send an email.  But, if I use FB all the time like people tell me I will, maybe I won't need to log into Gmail.  Don't see that happening. (PE +1)

-No simple contact management in the Email.  Extra clicks to get to Friends>List and make a new list.  I only do this once in a while though, so no points.

-Can't seem to add an email address to a list of contacts if they aren't on FB.  USELESS! (FB -1)

-Don't see a simple CC: or BCC: in the email tool. (PE +1)

I'm sure there's more here.  Hopefully in a couple days I can look into the questions I have.  I've not heard anything extra back (no additional responses to my original question to the guys) via FB.  One more did email back though.

Running Total: FB -5 ; PE 4 

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